better ascii scripted colored backwards dada scramble morse


dieb13 / joke lanz: musical education

dieb13 / joke lanz: musical education, klanggalerie 2021

joke lanz: turntables
dieb13 - turntables, klopfer

recorded by Stephan Spaerlich
artwork: irene hug
released November 5, 2021

Joke Lanz was born in Basel, Switzerland and is a well-know noise musician, performance artist and turntablist. He is also founding member and singer in the art rock group Sudden Infant, a meber of the legendary Schimpfluch group (alongside Rudolf, Dave Phillips, Marc Zeier and Daniel Löwenbrück) and performs in many duos and and other forms in the improvisation scene. He also writes music for theatre and film, radio, installations and objects. Dieter Kovačič aka Dieb13 is an Austrian improvisational musician who mostly works with turntables. Since the late 1980s he has been experimenting with cassette players, vinyl records, CDs and harddiscs. He has a duo with Billy Roisz which combines electronic music with experimental filmmaking. In autumn 2020, the two met in Vienna for a concert at GrillX. Three turntables were used and the result was amazing: stunning sounds, great humor, heads full of ideas. This CD is a recording of that show.

reviews: review:

Musical Education is one of the rare albums of dieb13, known as a conscientious copyright objector, that is available in a digital form, and not only in a limited-edition vinyl-only format. Joke Lanz (of the dada-punkish trio Sudden Instant) and dieb13 have performed before with another Viennese turntables wizard Leo Riegler, but this duo plays on three turntables and was recorded live at GrillX in Vienna in autumn 2020. The 38-minute piece is a hyperactive, detailed yet twisted chat between two dubious but adventurous sonic explorers-nomads, most likely in the most dubious hours of the night. This stunning texture is full of dadaist humor and blends sensual voices of pixie-like aliens with urban, metro anchorperson and harsher, obnoxious characters, eccentric songs and fragmented jazz tunes. All is wrapped with wild and reckless imagination and fascinating rhythmic sensibility. This piece unfolds like a mysterious story that visits and rolls in its own leisured and chaotic pace into even more mysterious, infamous and noisier places, as it accumulates its extensive musical education.
-- Eyal Hareuveni

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Mit seinem Instrumentalkollegen Joke Lanz stellt er sich ganz in den Dienst der musical education (Klanggalerie). Dabei handelt es sich um einen Frontalunterricht aus dem Herbst vergangenen Jahres im GrillX, dem ehemaligen Ensemble Theater am Wiener Petersplatz. Den beiden Turntablisten, die bisweilen auch im Trio mit Leo Riegler für Unruhe sorgen, ist anscheinend keine Klangquelle fremd und erst recht nicht heilig. Von scharfen Soundschnipseln bis zu ausufernden, fast pastoralen Ballungsräumen reicht die vinyle Palette. Beißender Witz, beharrliches Brummen und charmante Schlägereien markieren dieses bemerkenswerte Aufeinandertreffen gleichgesinnter Musikerzieher.
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